Selected Publications in the last ~5 years đ
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- Speakman, S., Tadesse, G.A., Cintas, C., Ogallo, W., Akumu, T.L, Oshingbesan A.A. Detecting Systematic Deviations in Data and Models. IEEE Computer Magazine. (In Press)
- Cintas, C., Das, P., Quanz, B., Tadesse, G.A., Speakman, S. and Chen, P.Y., 2022. Towards creativity characterization of generative models via group-based subset scanning. IJCAI 2022. [paper]
- Navarro, P., Cintas, C., Lucena, M., Fuertes, J, M., Segura, R., Delrieux, C. & Gonzålez-José, R., 2022. Reconstruction of Iberian ceramic potteries using generative adversarial networks. Scientific Reports. [paper]
- Cintas, C., Speakman, S., Tadesse, G.A., Akinwande, V., McFowland III, E. and Weldemariam, K., 2022. Pattern Detection in the Activation Space for Identifying Synthesized Content. Pattern Recognition Letters. [paper][paper]
- Kim, H., Tadesse, G.A., Cintas, C., Speakman, S. and Varshney, K., 2022. Out-of-Distribution Detection in Dermatology using Input Perturbation and Subset Scanning. Proceedings ISBI IEEE 2022.
- Barros, V., Manes, I., Akinwande, V., Cintas, C., Bar-Shira, O., Ozery-Flato, M., Shimoni, Y. and Rosen-Zvi, M., 2022. A causal inference approach for estimating effects of non-pharmaceutical interventions during Covid-19 pandemic. PLOS One. [paper]
- Tadesse, G.A., Born, J., Cintas, C., Manica, M. and Weldemariam, K., 2022, August. MPEGO: A toolkit for multi-level performance evaluation of generative models for material discovery domains. In ACM SIGKDD Workshop on Machine Learning for Materials Science. [paper]
- Oshingbesan, A.A, Omondi, W.G, Tadesse, G.A, Cintas, C., Speakman, S. Beyond Protected Attributes: Disciplined Detection of Systematic Deviations in Data. To appear in Trustworthy and Socially Responsible Machine Learning Workshop at NeurIPS 2022.
- Tadesse, G.A., Ogallo, W., Cintas, C., Speakman, S. Model-free feature selection to facilitate automatic discovery of divergent subgroups in tabular data. To appear in IEEE International Conference on Big Data 2022.
- Cintas, C., Das, P., Quanz, B., Speakman, S., Akinwande, V. and Chen, P.Y., 2021. Towards creativity characterization of generative models via group-based subset scanning. In ICLR 2021 Workshop: Synthetic Data Generation. [paper]
- Cintas, C., Akinwande, V., Raghavendra, R., Tadesse, G.A, Walcott-Bryant, A., Wayua, C., Makumbi, F, Wanyenze, R.K, Weldemariam, K., 2021. Data-Driven Sequential Uptake Pattern Discovery for Family Planning Studies. Proceedings AMIA 2021 Annual Symposium. [paper]
- Kim, H., Tadesse, G.A., Cintas, C., Speakman, S. and Varshney, K., 2021. Out-of-Distribution Detection in Dermatology using Input Perturbation and Subset Scanning. arXiv preprint arXiv:2105.11160. In 6th Outlier Detection & Description Workshop - KDD 2021. [paper]
- Navarro, P., Cintas, C., Lucena, M., Fuertes, J.M., Delrieux, C. and Molinos, M., 2021. Learning feature representation of Iberian ceramics with automatic classification models. Journal of Cultural Heritage, 48, pp.65-73.
- Paschetta, C., de Azevedo, S., Ramallo, V., Cintas, C., PĂ©rez, O., Navarro, P., Bandieri, L., SĂĄnchez, M.Q., Adhikari, K., Bortolini, M.C. and Ferrara, G.P., 2021. The impact of socioeconomic and phenotypic traits on self-perception of ethnicity in Latin America. Scientific reports, 11(1), pp.1-11.
- Morales, L., Navarro, P., Cintas, C., Gonzalez-Jose, R., Ramallo, V. and Delrieux, C., 2021. Bulsarapp: Interactive visual analysis for surname trend exploration. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications.
- Cintas, C., Speakman, S., Tadesse, G.A., Akinwande, V., McFowland III, E. and Weldemariam, K. SubsetGAN: Pattern detection in the activation space for Identifying Synthesised Content. In SubsetML Workshop at ICML 2021.
- Tadesse ,A. G, Kim ,H., Daneshjou ,R., Cintas ,C., Varshney ,K., Adelekun, A., Lipoff ,J., Onyekab, G., Rotemberg, V., Zou, J. Automated Evaluation of Representation in Dermatology Educational Materials. In AAAI 2021 Workshop: Trustworthy AI for Healthcare. [paper]
- Tadesse ,A. G, Cintas, C., Daneshjou R., Varshney ,K., Staar, P., Speakman, S. Andrews, K., Agunwa, C., Jia, J. Bailey, E., Adelekun, A., Lipoff , B.,J., Onyekaba, G., Rottemberg, V., Zou, J. Skin-tone Representation Analysis in Dermatology Academic Materials. AMIA 2021 Annual Symposium.
- Barros, V., Akinwande, V., Manes, I., Bar-Shira, O., Cintas, C., Shimoni, Y., Rosen-Zvi, M. Towards effect estimation of COVID-19 Non-pharmaceutical Interventions. AMIA 2021 Annual Symposium.
- Kinyanjui, N.M., Odonga, T., Cintas, C., Codella, N.C., Panda, R., Sattigeri, P. and Varshney, K.R., 2020, October. Fairness of Classifiers Across Skin Tones in Dermatology. In MICCAI 2020 - International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (pp. 320-329). Springer, Cham. [paper] [slides]
- Cintas, C., Speakman, S., Akinwande, V., Ogallo, W., Weldemariam, K., Sridharan, S. and McFowland, E., 2020. Detecting Adversarial Attacks via Subset Scanning of Autoencoder Activations and Reconstruction Error. IJCAI 2020 - Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence Main track. Pages 876-882. [paper] [slides]
- Maina, S.C., Bryant, R.E., Ogallo, W.O., Varshney, K.R., Speakman, S., Cintas, C., Walcott-Bryant, A., Samoilescu, R.F. and Weldemariam, K., 2020, May. Preservation of Anomalous Subgroups On Variational Autoencoder Transformed Data. In ICASSP 2020 -2020 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) (pp. 3627-3631). IEEE. [paper]
- Akinwande, V., Cintas, C., Speakman, S., Sridharan, S. Identifying Audio Adversarial Examples via Anomalous Pattern Detection. In Workshop on Adversarial Learning Methods for Machine Learning and Data Mining, KDD 2020. [paper]
- Bryant, R., Cintas, C., Wambugu, I., Kinai, A., Diriye, A. and Weldemariam, K., 2019, November. Evaluation of bias in sensitive personal information used to train financial models. In 2019 IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP) (pp. 1-5). IEEE. [paper]
- Navarro, P., Ramallo, V., Cintas, C., Ruderman, A., de Azevedo, S., Paschetta, C., PĂ©rez, O., Pazos, B., Delrieux, C. and GonzĂĄlezâJosĂ©, R., 2020. Body shape: Implications in the study of obesity and related traits. American Journal of Human Biology, 32(2), p.e23323. [paper]
- Cintas, C., Lucena, M., Fuertes, J.M., Delrieux, C., Navarro, P., Gonzalez-Jose, R. and Molinos, M., 2020. Automatic feature extraction and classification of Iberian ceramics based on deep convolutional networks. Journal of Cultural Heritage, 41, pp.106-112. [paper]
- Osebe, S., Wachira, C.M., Matu, F., Bore, N., Kaguma, D., Mutahi, J., Ogallo, W., Cintas, C., Remy, S.L., Walcott, A. and Weldemariam, K., 2019, June. Enabling Care Continuity using a Digital Health Wallet. In 2019 IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics (ICHI 2019) (pp. 1-7). IEEE. [paper]
- Quinto-Sånchez, M., Muñoz-Muñoz, F., Gomez-Valdes, J., Cintas, C., Navarro, P., De Cerqueira, C.C.S., Paschetta, C., de Azevedo, S., Ramallo, V., Acuña-Alonzo, V. and Adhikari, K., 2018. Developmental pathways inferred from modularity, morphological integration and fluctuating asymmetry patterns in the human face. Scientific reports, 8(1), pp.1-15. [paper]
- Quinto SĂĄnchez, M., Cintas, C., Ramallo, V., Silva de Cerqueira, C.C., GĂłmez ValdĂ©s, J., Acuña Alonzo, V., Adhikari, K., Everardo, P., De Ăvila, F., Jaramillo, C. and Arias, W. RelaciĂłn entre asimetrĂa fluctuante y el tratamiento hormonal, cirugĂa-ortodoncia maxilofacial, traumatismos y malformaciones craneofaciales. Revista Argentina de AntropologĂa BiolĂłgica Argentina, 2018.
- Quinto-SĂĄnchez, M., Cintas, C., Silva de Cerqueira, C.C., Ramallo, V., Acuña-Alonzo, V., Adhikari, K., Castillo, L., Gomez-ValdĂ©s, J., Everardo, P., De Avila, F. and HĂŒnemeier, T., 2017. Socioeconomic status is not related with facial fluctuating asymmetry: evidence from Latin-American populations. PLOS One, 12(1), p.e0169287. [paper]
- Cintas, C., Quinto-Sånchez, M., Acuña, V., Paschetta, C., De Azevedo, S., de Cerqueira, C.C.S., Ramallo, V., Gallo, C., Poletti, G., Bortolini, M.C. and Canizales-Quinteros, S., 2016. Automatic ear detection and feature extraction using geometric morphometrics and convolutional neural networks. IET Biometrics, 6(3), pp.211-223. [paper]
- de Azevedo, S., GonzĂĄlez, M.F., Cintas, C., Ramallo, V., Quinto-SĂĄnchez, M., MĂĄrquez, F., HĂŒnemeier, T., Paschetta, C., Ruderman, A., Navarro, P. and Pazos, B.A., 2017. Nasal airflow simulations suggest convergent adaptation in Neanderthals and modern humans. PNAS - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 114(47), pp.12442-12447. [paper]
Please see Google Scholar for the complete list.